Relax Sauna, Rene EMF, Momentum98, Far Infrared Ray, Detox
Last Updated: 01/21/2016
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The Relax Sauna and its effectiveness on Arthritis

Arthritis is the number one cause of disability in this country. It has been estimated that in the next 15 years that 67 million with have been diagnosed with arthritis in North America. There is a host of reasons that cause this issue from our diet, our daily life, our thoughts, and environmental factors beyond our control. There are very many remedies thankfully for treating this problem. One of quickest and most efficient ways is to use a Far Infrared Sauna such as the Relax Sauna. The Relax Sauna has had a very long track record in treating people with Arthritis and is recommended by naturopathic doctors as well as MD doctors. We meet many doctors who tell us all the ways they use the Relax Sauna and the doctors we talk to also use it regularly themselves for many other reasons. Please take a look at some of these interviews and review we have collected over the past few years!   


Arthritis in the hands is gone after short session!


Joy is sweating for the first time in her life in the Relax sauna.  She had arthritis so bad that she could not move her thumb and after 20 minutes in the sauna she was surprised to find that she could move it.  She had been in an auto accident a year ago and her knees hurt and she hurt all over and had been working to relieve a pain in her neck. She, also, had arthritis in her fingers with a lot of pain.   After using the sauna, the pain in her fingers and her knees was gone and she felt so much better all over.   “I can't believe it.”  This was the first time she had ever been in the sauna and she is excited!


Pain is gone from Arthritis and Fibromyalgia

ARTHRITIS and FIBROMYALGIA are fairly common these days and these is unfortunately not very many remedies for them, especially for Fibromyalgia. Many have found relief from Fibromyalgia and Arthritis. In fact the Infrared Sauna is perhaps the best way to treat Fibromyalgia.






Beth is able to stop using her cane after useing Relax Sauna regularly


Beth is a regular to our store where she learned about the sauna and realized that it, not only would be a great help to her, but to a lot of other people as well.  It is fantastic for people with autoimmune diseases. Beth has the beginnings of arthritis.  She recently moved and likens the move to doing to five days of heavy aerobics, similar to going to the gym.  She was very sore from having lifted  all those heavy boxes, so the first thing that she did was jump into her sauna.  As she does every night when she is in the sauna, she keeps her hands down by her sides so that they get the full benefit of the light in the sauna.  She feels that this is very valuable in treating her arthritis and that anyone with arthritis would benefit, as it stops the progression of the disease.  It helps relieve pain, stiffness and also swelling.  

Lsat year. she had hurt her leg in another move and it was very painful.  Soon after that, she actually fell down and thinks she probably tore something.  She used the sauna and the far infrared lamp on her leg and thinks that it helped a lot since it only took about a month to heal.  “It made a big difference.”  

Two years ago she broke her toe.  It was black and blue and she iced it everyday and was walking with a cane every day for six months due to the broken toe.  Then last year. she stubbed  her toe and it began to swell considerably later on inside her shoe. It was very painful and she thought she was going to have to go through the whole process again!  The next morning, she remembered her far infrared lamp and she use that on her toe for about 20 minutes each day.  It happened on a Saturday and by Wednesday all the black and blue was gone, the swelling was almost completely gone from her toe and it was well.   Something that had previously taken six months, with icing and elevation and hobbling, was done in 5 days.  “That is phenomenal.”  

Some days when she eats too much sugar, she notices that she cannot see as well the next day in the morning.   She thinks it is contributing to cataracts.  When that happens, she either uses the far infrared table lamp directed towards her eyes or, when she's in the sauna, she keeps her head inside and the far infrared increases the circulation and carries the toxins from the sugar away from the cells in her eyes.  She says that literally she can see better after that five or 10 minutes session.  She finds that that is all the time she needs to see better - that is how dramatic it is.  Phil commented that he does it all the time and that it feels heavenly.  He comments that there is a lady in Washington state who had been blind for about two months, due to diabetes, and that after using the far infrared table lamp, she regained her vision in less than 2 more months.

Beth has pain in her tooth and thinks she may need a root canal. It aches enough that she needs to take an aspirin or an Advil. However, when she uses the lamp for about five minutes for 1 or 2 days each time that she feels the pain return, it goes away for about six weeks each  time she uses it. 

In June, she had a very bad case of strep throat and the antibiotics that she was prescribed we're not working yet.  She opened her mouth and directed the light from the far infrared table lamp towards the back of her mouth, along with salt water rinses.  As she repeated this over the course of a couple of hours, the infection cleared up and she was able to go to sleep.  She had been afraid to go to bed before because she thought that her throat might close-up during the night but she had no problem with that after her 2-hour treatment.

She thinks that to say that this is nice to have is totally wrong.  She says that this lamp and the sauna are what everybody should have and everyone will have in the near future  because it helps you take care of yourself.  It helps you to avoid having different kinds of illnesses getting worse and it helps you stay young.  No medicine chest should be without this Relax sauna.

Phil said that, one night he was coming down with a sore throat, so he took the table lamp into the bed with him and in the morning his sore throat was gone. The table lamp has a safety feature that prevents it from burning the sheet or body tissue or catching anything on fire so it is safe to use in bed.

Beth thinks that this is indispensable for families, especially ones who have “weekend warriors” with aches and pain, bruises and sore muscles. It would save a fortune on pain relievers!


Arthritis is relived in just a short session

Darleen had sore knees from walking and sore joints in her fingers.  After having been in the sauna for 5 minutes, she no longer had pain in her knees and the joints in her fingers were then very flexible and she had no stiffness.  “So, it really works.”  She is very skeptical. She is a cancer survivor and when it was explained to her that the sauna pulls heavy metals and toxins out of the body she thought she would give it a try.  No one mentioned to her that the pain would go away.

Massage Therapist Uses the Relax Sauna to Treat Clients and Help Friends and Family


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Mark and his business partner bought a Relax sauna a year ago and have sold 5 of them since then in their Massage Therapy Practice. He uses it in his work and his clients love it because they can relax and don’t feel as much pain while they are going through the session. His mother had back pain, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. After using if for a full year, her doctor’s test readings showed that she no longer has rheumatoid arthritis and her back pain is totally gone.

His mother-in-law has had double knee replacements and has no issues with increased mobility and range-of-motion as she uses the sauna. His clients love them and use them multiple times during the day in their homes. They send Mark more people and this has brought more business and income into the spa as they add the sauna to the services they provide.

Mark, himself, says the sauna has helped heal his skin issues and that he has more energy and less fatigue, that he doesn’t get as winded when he rides his bike and that it helps with recovery, as he no longer has that post-workout soreness. “It’s really a fantastic machine, I love it.” He says he comes out of a session feeling more relaxed and rejuvenated. He uses it between every client for 5 to 7 minutes because he finds it keeps his energy level up and he doesn’t have as much fatigue at the end of the day. At home he uses it twice a day, morning and evening, gets a good sweat built up in about 10 minutes and is drenched in 20 minutes. Afterwards he feels completely refreshed.

Feel the Difference of the Relax Sauna


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Lauren said that, having been in the sauna for seven minutes, she felt her muscles loosen up and then, when she put her head in the sauna, her sinuses cleared up some. She said that she did sweat some but that it was not an uncomfortable sweat like in a normal sauna, rather that she felt heated to the bone, to the core, a kind of heat that feels really good.

She does carpal tunnel coaching and thinks that it would be a great product for people with carpal tunnel syndrome. She thinks that would release a lot of tension in the muscles, which would also reduce some of the of inflammation which is causing pressure on the median nerve. She also thinks that it would be really quick.

Sitting in the sauna she feels it through her skin, through her muscles, all the way in to the bones. In a regular sauna, she says that she does not feel this, that she feels uncomfortable just sweating and that her head feels uncomfortable. She says that her head does not feel uncomfortable in this sauna. “I am a happy camper. I could take this camping with me.” She is at the Florida State Massage therapy Show and has been a massage therapist for 10 years. She thinks that it would be good for her clients and that it would loosen them up.

Kombucha Bob Video


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Kombucha Bob describes his rather amazing experiences of using the Relax Sauna for over 5 years. Bob says he starts his magnificent day with Relax Sauna. "You can't live without it. It puts you in a level just below Heaven.” He had known about the saunas for a bout five years before he purchased one. He understood that it would help with the swelling and pain in his legs and his skin problems. He feels that after 18 to 20 minutes in the sauna that it wipes out the day’s stress and turmoil. “I am a full believer and I explain that to people. Everyone should have one.”

He uses it first thing in the morning, before a large glass of very clean water and appreciates the cleansing effect. “The skin diseases have disappeared.” He then takes a shower and start his day feeling like he doesn't have a problem in the world. He then had a large bottle of Kombucha, with some very good green powders and feels illuminated after exposure to the sauna and his drink. He recommends wearing underpants and sitting on a towel or two just to have something to absorb the sweat. He finds that when he does not use it that he feels nervous and misses the healing effects. He says that it has eliminated skin problems and rashes and that it makes his body more limber.

His chiropractor and his acupuncturist can attest to that, saying that his body is more limber. He finds that it gets him more zest for life and eliminates bad and ill feelings from previous days. “You get up and you're starting a bright brand-new day.


Relax Sauna Testimonial - No Stiffness or Inflammation in Back after 5 Minutes - Atalie & Tara


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Atalie expected just to feel good by getting into the Relax Sauna, based on the recommendations of a couple of friends who had earlier tried the Relax Sauna and who said they felt amazing. But she also felt stuff flowing and found the Sauna VERY relaxing. “I could have stayed in there for a very long time!”

Tara had been experiencing a lot of stiffness and inflammation in her lower lumbar region, and then after 5 minutes noticed a draining feeing and now says she feels wonderful. She felt rejuvenated enough to go listen to a 2 hour talk that she had been dreading, since she would have to sit in one spot for two hours. Now she feels she can do it. “I’m ecstatic!”

Her Three Month Pain Gone in Three Minutes in the Relax Sauna

(7) mp4

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Tanya has been in the sauna for about 10 minutes. She has been suffering from sacroiliac pain for the last three months. She did something in yoga class and pushed herself too hard. All day it has been really tight and uncomfortable. She says that within two or three minutes of sitting in the sauna that the pain she had been experiencing for three months is completely gone. “It's wonderful! I'm so relaxed right now. And I'm happy!”

She had been in wooden saunas before and was skeptical that a portable sauna would be as effective but she is sold on Relax Sauna and its level of heat, it’s quickness, the fact that it is so lightweight and, of course, its affordable price. “I love it.”

Lost 90 Pounds, Level 10 Arthritic Pain All Gone - She’s Now a “Jumping Jack! ”

(29) mp4

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Jan has been using the Relax sauna for about four years. She had been very overweight and used the sauna about four times a week for about 20 minutes.
She sweated a lot and within the first year lost over 70 pounds. She had weighed 245 pounds and got down to 170 pounds. In in the last six months she has lost maybe another 20 pounds.

She also had a lot of inflammation, particularly with arthritis, and it really helped with that. She had been so stiff she could not bend over and pick things up off the floor. Her arthritic pain had been at a level 10, then it diminished down to a level of 5 or 6 and now she is pain-free! She says she is like a Jumping Jack now.

“I feel like a new woman. I feel younger, I feel like I have more energy than I ever had before” She says that when her friend introduced her to the sauna “that was the beginning of the new me.”

‘It definitely works. I would totally recommend it. It really saved my life.”

Psychologist Uses Sauna for Pain, Anxiety, Depression and Stress

(48 mp4)

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Carolyn, a psychologist, went to a talk the year before at a conference on Energy Psychology. He answered all of her 20 questions and objections very well, that sold her and she bought her sauna that year. She had tested out the sauna every chance she got that year at the conference. From sitting in the conference she had gotten a lot of pain in her legs, which were falling asleep. It really helped and she thought, “This is really something if can do the whole body at the same time.”

She has been using it for a whole year now and a lot of her clients, who tried it and liked it so much as well, also bought Relax saunas of their own.

She explains that it was really worth the purchase and that you can experience a whole body relaxation, really help with inflammation, really help with fatigue and. “It's just been amazing.” It's easy to use and it's also portable.

She says medical professionals, who also tried it, thought, “This is really something!”

She has used it mostly with chronic pain patients who were referred to her from neurology and medicine. When you have chronic pain you are going to have more anxiety, depression and stress and the sauna use helps overall.

She starts her patients off with one minute, works their way up to as much as 10 minutes and they get benefits. Phil commented, that in a wooden sauna, it takes 20 minutes to just to heat. Carolyn said the Relax sauna heats up right away.

She and Phil talk a lot every time she calls and orders a another sauna for a client. When she told Phil that she is 74, he could hardly believe it! She is quite youthful looking!



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